Studies and Transfer

GIFS :: Geography of Inshore Fishing and Sustainability

Internal structure of the Pole in charge of the project : Pôle halieutique

Start date : 2012 / End date : 2014

Funding : Europe (Programme INTERREG des 2 mers)

L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers responsible(s) :



Geography of Inshore Fishing and Sustainability

The seas within the Channel and North Sea are home to a vitally important fishing industry that is facing significant changes and challenges. Fishing quota and subsidy reductions or redistributions have impacts on communities that depend on fishing. As well as economic importance, there is increasing recognition of the social and cultural role that inshore fishing has in local communities, in terms of cultural heritage, sense of place, local identity and social cohesion. The aim of the GIFS project, therefore, is to explore the socio-economic and cultural importance of inshore fishing in order to incorporate these goals more explicitly into fisheries and maritime policy, coastal regeneration strategies and sustainable community development more broadly. The project consists of partners in England, France and Flanders and will explore the following themes:
  • Coastal zone governance and marine fishing: analyse fisheries governance approaches and their relationship with broader coastal zone management; identity best practice in co-management, fisher-led conservation and local ecological knowledge approaches.
  • Fishing places and community: through community-based activities, such as photographic exhibitions and focus groups, understanding how fishing contributes to community identity and social cohesion.
  • Economy and regeneration in fishing communities: analyse the direct, indirect and induced benefits of marine fishing; estimate the non-market benefits of inshore fishing (e.g. amenity, recreation, heritage, tourism); understand the importance of fishing for tourism and broader regeneration programmes.
The project will develop a State of the Coast toolkit providing methods for capturing the broad value of fishing (in social, cultural and economic terms), and will document the importance of fishing for sustainable coastal communities. A particular feature of the work will be to bring together grassroots and policy perspectives by providing a means for seeing and hearing the perspectives of local communities through media such as photographs and audio/film recordings.
This is a project that will aim to bring together the economic, social and cultural perspectives in an integrated way. A broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry and local communities will be involved to ensure there are tangible impacts for the development of sustainable coastal communities.
In this project, the team of AGROCAMPUS OUEST in collaboration with Mélody Leplat of the Brittany school of management in Brest, will be in charge of the leadership of action on the Non-market values of inshore fishing (3.3). Besides the production of fishery tradable goods, inshore fishing provides non-market goods such as amenity, recreation, landscape & heritage. This action will evaluate these non-market values using a survey of resident and tourist preferences by estimating the willingness to pay (WTP) for these attributes.

Publications issued from the project

ROPARS-COLLET, C. LEPLAT, M. LE GOFFE, P. LESUEUR, M. (2015) .Is professional fishing an asset for recreational demand on the coastline?

ROPARS-COLLET, C. LEPLAT, M. LE GOFFE, P. LESUEUR, M. (2015) .La peche professionnelle est-elle un facteur d?attractivite recreative sur le littoral ?

FORATO, G. LESUEUR, M. PICAULT, D. (2014) .Fishing-tourism synergies along the coastline of the English Channel ? State of play and diagnosis. Study report

THOMAS, S. PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Inshore fishing and governance (France). The case of pollack fisheries in the Iroise Sea, handliners and gillnetters. Study report

THOMAS, S. PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Inshore fishing and governance (France). The case of professional shore-gathering fishermen in the Bay of Somme. Study report

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. NOEL, J. LEPETIT, A. NYS, C. PELLAN, C. TROUGAN, M. REZGANI, W. SOUIDI, S. (2014) .Inshore fisheries and governance (France). The case of the commercially harvested mussel fishery of eastern Cotentin (Lower Normandy). Study report. GIFS Project

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Inshore fisheries and governance (France). The case of the lobster fishery in the Bay of Granville (Lower Normandy). Study report. GIFS Project

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Inshore fishing and governance (France). The case of the Great Atlantic scallop fishery in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. Study report. GIFS Project

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Inshore fishing and governance (France). The governance of fishing within French territorial waters. GIFS Project

ROPARS-COLLET, C. LEPLAT, M. LESUEUR, M. LE GOFFE, P. (2014) .Nonmarket valuation of inshore fishing. GIFS Project scientific report

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. FORATO, G. (Eds.) .(2014) .Peche et tourisme : construisons une dynamique. Actes de la 2eme edition des Journees professionnelles de Rennes. Programme GIFS. 4 juin 2014

LESUEUR, M. PICAULT, D. BENOIT, J. BLANLUET, A. CLAVEL, M. DIEUDONNE, E. LE GUEN, C. LEMAIRE, M. MAUREAUD, A. MOULLEC, F. REMIZE, M. VON ARNIM, B. (2014) .Analyse des retombees economiques induites par le secteur de la peche dans l?economie locale. Le cas d?etude de la Fete de la coquille Saint-Jacques a Erquy. Rapport d'etude. Projet GIFS

FORATO, G. LESUEUR, M. PICAULT, D. (2014) .Les synergies peche-tourisme sur les cotes de la Manche ? Etat des lieux et diagnostic. Rapport d'etude. Projet GIFS

THOMAS, S. PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Peche cotiere et gouvernance (France). Le cas des pecheries du lieu jaune en Mer d?Iroise. Rapport d'etude. Projet GIFS

THOMAS, S. PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Peche cotiere et gouvernance (France). Le cas des pecheurs a pied professionnels de la baie de Somme. Rapport d'etudes. Projet GIFS

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. NOEL, J. LEPETIT, A. NYS, C. PELLAN, C. TROUGAN, M. REZGANI, W. SOUIDI, S. (2014) .Peche cotiere et gouvernance (France). Le cas d?etude de la pecherie de la moule de peche de l?Est Cotentin. Rapport d'etude. Projet GIFS

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Peche cotiere et gouvernance (France). Le cas d?etude de la pecherie de homard en baie de Granville (Basse-Normandie). Rapport d'etude. Projet GIFS

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Peche cotiere et gouvernance (France). Le cas d?etude de la pecherie de coquille Saint-Jacques en baie de Saint-Brieuc. Rapport d'etude. Projet GIFS

PICAULT, D. LESUEUR, M. (2014) .Peche cotiere et gouvernance (France). La gouvernance de la peche dans les eaux territoriales francaises. Projet GIFS

ROPARS-COLLET, C. LEPLAT, M. LESUEUR, M. LE GOFFE, P. (2014) .Evaluation non marchande de la peche cotiere. Rapport scientifique du projet GIFS

ANGELINI, A. LESUEUR, M. (2013) .Interactions between fishing and tourism ? case study of the Saint-Brieuc Country. Study report. GIFS Project

ANGELINI, A. LESUEUR, M. (2013) .Les interactions entre la peche et le tourisme ? cas d?etude du pays de Saint-Brieuc

GIFS .(2012) .Newsletter

Personns involved in the project


Université de Bretagne Occidentale (France)
  • University of Greenwich (Angleterre)
  • University of Brighton (Angleterre)
  • VLIZ (Belgique)
  • Municipalité de Middelburg (Pays-Bas)